Wednesday, November 1, 2017

BULLSHIT WARNING issued after multiple outlets say a Brutal Winter is coming

It's that time of year again, when everyone starts to worry about Winter. It's November 1st, but multiple outlets have already shared their thoughts on the upcoming Winter.

First of all, I call bullshit! Temps have been above normal for a very long time in the northeast. When's the last time we saw a month average out well below normal? It's inevitable. The pattern will continue.

You'll hear terms like Polar Vortex thrown around really soon. Especially since some models are hinting at very cold air mid month. But keep in mind, the cold won't stick around. Yeah, we'll have cold snaps this Winter. We always do. But when temps get averaged out for the month, I don't expect them to be brutal. Average to even above average is more likely.

Hell, it's probably going to hit the 70's in a couple days across parts of the Northeast.

But what does December through March have in store? Who the hell knows! If we could predict weather that far out, we wouldn't screw up forecasts 24 hours away from a storm. Winter is coming. That's a fact. That's about the only fact we have right now.

My best guess would be average to above average temps because that's been the theme. Why would we suddenly break a pattern that has been here for quite some time?

Snow? Yeah, you'll see snow. Will you be shoveling daily? No. Will we be buried often? No. Unless you live in a Lake Effect snow belt, you won't see crippling snowfalls.

In Eastern PA, for example, I see 38" on average each Winter. Have we hit that number lately? Hell no. So yes, the trend will continue. Small storms. Mixing events as usual. Schools closing over a 3 inch storm. Yep, typical northeast Winter.

Remember last year? It freaking sucked! Barely any snow. Only exception was the Blizzard in March which brought up our season totals.

Bottom line: Don't believe everything you see on the internet. There's so many weather pages to follow on Facebook. My suggestion? Follow your local national weather service page. Hell, you can join my group of over 15,000 people for a real forecast, too. There's members from 36 countries! Great discussions, great people and lots of laughs!

Ryan and Kellie's Weather Discussion on Facebook: CLICK TO JOIN

See you there!

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